AbstractIn their theory of intergroup leadership, Hogg, van Knippenberg, and Rast (2012) posited the novel concept of intergroup relational identity. An intergroup relational identity refers to a form of social identity that is defined in terms of the cooperative and mutually promotive relationship between subgroups. This presentation will first provide a brief overview of intergroup leadership theory, establish empirical support for it, then will describe the development of a 5-item measure of intergroup relational identity. Across three studies using diverse American and European samples, I will establish and demonstrate the reliability and validity of this scale. The unidimenionsal factor structure of our 5-item scale is replicated across each study, while the latter study provides evidence of construct (convergent and discriminant) and criterion-related validity. This valid and reliable measure of intergroup relational identity has clear and direct uses in both basic and applied research assessing leadership and intergroup relations in organizations—an often overlooked aspect of organizational behavior and management research (van Knippenberg, 2003). I will conclude by discussing potential future directions, as well as present implications for promoting an intergroup relational identity in applied organizational settings. |
BiographyDr. David Rast is currently an Assistant Professor and Director of the MSc in Leadership and Management at the University of Sheffield’s Institute of Work Psychology. David’s research focuses on the psychological processes of leadership that occur within and between small dynamic groups, such as teams or divisions, and larger social categories ranging from organizations to ethnic and national groups. More specifically, his research examines the social psychology of leadership and influence. David investigates the role of social identity processes in shaping group and organizational behavior, specifically leadership and followership. This research draws on and extends the social identity theory of leadership (Hogg, van Knippenberg, & Rast, 2012a, European Review of Social Psychology) and the theory of intergroup leadership (Hogg, van Knippenberg, & Rast, 2012b, Academy of Management Review) to examine the dynamic nature of leadership within and between groups. David’s research has appeared in top psychology and management journals such as Academy of Management Review, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Social Influence, and Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. David was presented with the 2010 Outstanding Research Award from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology for his research on the former. For the latter, he was a Finalist for the 2013 Network of Leadership Scholars’ Alvah H. Chapman Jr. Outstanding Dissertation Award and the 2013 International Leadership Association’s Fredric M. Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award. He is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, serves on the Editorial Board Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, and he is a Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society. More about Dr. David Rast |